Saturday 27 June 2015

International Bulletin of Missionary Research 39:3 (June 2015)

The latest issue of International Bulletin of Missionary Research carries several feature articles around the broad theme of ‘Mission in History’.

Here is a portion from J. Nelson Jennings’ Editorial:

‘However differently each of us might analyze and explain precisely how Christian mission is interwoven with the fabric of world history, it is helpful to note that the articles in this particular issue relate to people, events, and organizations of the last two centuries. The articles thus provide various examples of how missionaries, churches, and mission organizations have functioned in relation to the transition from the modern Western mission movement to the current multidirectional, worldwide mission movement. Christian mission has always had to adjust to such pivotal and epochal changes. May this issue cast further light on our ongoing journey of navigating the sometimes choppy waters of historical currents, while participating in God’s worldwide mission.

The whole issue is available as a pdf here.

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