Saturday 14 February 2015

Leaven 22, 1 (2014) on Christian Spiritual Formation

Leaven is published quarterly by the Religion Division at Pepperdine University. The issues are normally thematic, and often carry some interesting articles. The latest issue to be posted online is devoted to ‘Christian Spiritual Formation’, containing the following main essays:

David W. Wray
Sacred Rhythms: Harmonizing Work and Prayer

Earl Lavender
My Story, Our Story, God’s Story: the Function of a Livable Narrative in Spiritual Formation

Timothy H. Robinson
The Role of Nature in Spiritual Formation

Darryl Tippens
Spiritual Formation and the Dance of Embodiment: Lessons from James K.A. Smith and Augustine

Houston Heflin
A More Productive Harvest Through Adolescent Spiritual Formation

Chet Butterworth
Spiritual Formation as Seminary Curriculum: A Personal Perspective

Shirley D. Straker
What Has Happened to Me

Lisa Durr
Companionship for the Journey: The Gift of Spiritual Direction

S. Wesley Horn
Formed By Time: Living the Liturgical Year

Jackie L. Halstead
Silence and Solitude: Encounter with God

Jackie L. Halstead
Spiritual Formation: Annotated Bibliography

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