Monday 16 February 2015

Brian Russell on the Psalms as a Prayerbook for God’s Missional People

Brian Russell has four posts – here, here, here, and here (though the second and third are nearly identical) on ‘Reading the Psalms as a Prayerbook for God’s Missional People’.

‘The book of Psalms is the prayerbook for God’s missional people. A missional reading of the Psalms focuses on the meaning of the prayers and hymns of the psalter for shaping the identity and ethos of God’s people.’

He has some other recent posts related to the Bible and mission, also worth checking out:


  1. Thanks for the links, Antony. You posted a question a year or so ago about my forthcoming book on missional hermeneutics. I have completed the manuscript and it will be published by Cascade books. I'm in the final editorial stages and intend to deliver the final copy this Spring.

  2. Thanks Brian – I’m delighted to hear that. I’ve been following and enjoying your recent posts. I’ll look forward to the book as and when it’s available. All strength for the run-up to delivering the final manuscript.
