Tuesday 16 September 2014

Mission Frontiers 36, 5 (September-October 2014)

The September-October 2014 issue of Mission Frontiers, published by the U.S. Center for World Mission, contains a number of articles looking at ‘Ethnodoxology: Worship and Mission for the Global Church’.

Guest editor Robin Harris writes:

‘Why is ethnodoxology a crucial issue for the Missio Dei in this century? Unfortunately, the commonly held misconception that “music is a universal language” has long blinded us to the need for contextualization of artistic forms of communication, including music but also extending to all other art forms. One of the stubborn obstacles to effective mission today is that we are not consistently communicating the gospel in ways that allow it to thrive in local soil. Through foundational articles, stories from the field, and practical how-to advice, this issue demonstrates the remarkable results of applying ethnodoxology principles in cross-cultural ministry.’

Individual articles can be accessed from here, and the whole issue (3.4 MB) can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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