Monday 25 August 2014

Q Ideas on Biblical Literacy

This week’s question from Q Ideas is ‘How Can We Become Biblically Literate?’

Several responses are offered here, including:

Ben Irwin
Biblical Literacy Begins with Reading
We buy a lot of Bibles. We just don't read them. Instead, we cherry-pick.

Glen Paauw and Phil Chen
A New Way of Engaging Scriptures (video interview)
What does real ‘Bible engagement’ look like for a thriving Christian life?

Mark Wingfield
Four Types of Bible Study Learners
Learning styles affect the way people read and learn about the Bible.

K.D. Byers
Illiterate People of the Book
Christians are a people of the book – but we’ve grown illiterate.

Glen Paauw
How to Save the Bible
We’re not reading the Bible much these days. Is the way we’re reading it the problem?

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