Saturday 4 January 2014

International Bulletin of Missionary Research 38:1 (January 2014)

The latest issue of International Bulletin of Missionary Research carries the interesting-looking feature articles noted below under the broad theme of ‘Studying Mission’.

J. Nelson Jennings
Studying Mission

Dana L. Robert
Forty Years of North American Missiology: A Brief Review

Craig Van Gelder
The Future of the Discipline of Missiology: A Brief Overview of Current Realities and Future Possibilities

Dwight P. Baker
Missiology as an Interested Discipline – and Where Is It Happening?

Steven L. Rundle
Does Donor Support Help or Hinder Business as Mission Practitioners? An Empirical Assessment

Todd M. Johnson and Peter F. Crossing
Christianity 2014: Independent Christianity and Slum Dwellers

Janet C. Carroll
My Pilgrimage in Mission

Yousaf Sadiq
A Precious Gift: The Punjabi Psalms and the Legacy of Imam-ud-Din Shahbaz

Arun W. Jones
The Oxford Encyclopaedia of South Asian Christianity: A Review Essay

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