Wednesday 4 September 2013

Knowing and Doing (Fall 2013)

The Fall 2013 edition of Knowing & Doing – ‘A Teaching Quarterly for Discipleship of Heart and Mind’ – from the C.S. Lewis Institute is now available online (here as a pdf), and contains the following articles:

Joel S. Woodruff
C.S. Lewis’s Humble and Thoughtful Gift of Letter Writing
Lewis was faithful in answering the trove of letters he received as his books became more and more popular. These letters ministered to the recipients – and can still speak to us today.

Jeff Lindeman
Ambassadors at the Office
Jeff Lindeman describes how he walked away from a large law firm determined to build a law practice around a culture honoring God.

E.G. ‘Jay’ Link
Keeping the Heart of God at the Heart of Living
There are three important questions that highlight the need to ‘die to self’ and live with the full understanding of God as the rightful owner of everything.

Thomas A. Tarrants
Learning to Make Disciples of Jesus: The Calling of Every Believer
Many in the church today think that disciple making is someone else’s ministry. But Jesus doesn’t give us that option.

Stephen Eyre
God’s Character and Personality
Our understanding of God’s attributes plays a significant role in our trust in and obedience to God.

David B. Calhoun
David Livingstone (1813–1873): ‘He lived and died for good.’
The life of David Livingstone reminds us of the great accomplishments that can be made through a wholehearted commitment to God’s call. 

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