Friday 13 September 2013

9Marks Journal 10, 5 (September-October 2013) on Evangelism (Part 1)

The latest issue of the 9Marks Journal, available here as a pdf, explores evangelism.

In the Editorial, Jonathan Leeman writes:

‘What does it mean to think through evangelism in a church-centered way?

‘On the one hand, various parachurch ministries over the last few decades, from Billy Graham’s crusades to the organization formerly known as Campus Crusade, have helped Christians think about individual evangelism outside the context of the local church.

‘On the other hand, revivalistic and seeker-sensitive churches have heavily emphasized the church’s role in evangelism in everything from altar calls to attractional programs.

‘We want to split the difference. Evangelism is a church activity and an individual activity. Churches might or might not use evangelistic programs, but they certainly should cultivate cultures of evangelism by giving their members tools. And the life of our churches should be attractive to outsiders, but they should primarily be attractive through the holy and loving nature of our shared lives.’

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