Saturday 31 August 2013

The Gospel Transformation Bible

Forthcoming from Crossway, and so based on the ESV, is the Gospel Transformation Bible. Further information, including a positioning video with reflections by several contributors, is available here.

I can be a bit of a cynic when it comes to the seeming proliferation of study Bibles, but I’ll be interested to take a closer look at this one.

Here’s some of the blurb from the Introduction:

‘The goal of the Gospel Transformation Bible is twofold: (1) to enable readers to understand that the whole Bible is a unified message of the gospel of God’s grace culminating in Christ Jesus, and (2) to help believers apply this good news to their everyday lives in a heart-transforming way. Our hope is that, as Christians throughout the world learn to see the message of salvation by grace unfolding throughout Scripture, they will respond to God with greater love, faithfulness, and power.’

Later on, more is said about the second goal of helping readers apply gospel truths to their everyday lives.

‘Faithful application typically answers four questions: 1) What to do? 2) Where to do it? 3) Why to do it? and 4) How to do it? Previous application-focused study Bibles have emphasized the first two of these questions. The Gospel Transformation Bible, while not ignoring the first two questions, seeks to be a primary resource for the latter two. Contributors’ notes indicate how the unfolding gospel truths in any given passage of Scripture motivate and enable believers to honor their Savior from the heart – in short, how grace transforms them.’

A pdf sampler is available here, including sample chapters from six books of the Bible, as well as an introduction to the bible.

In addition, the whole of Jeremiah (with Introduction and Notes by Graeme Goldsworthy) is available here.

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