Monday 1 July 2013

International Bulletin of Missionary Research 37:3 (July 2013)

The latest issue of International Bulletin of Missionary Research carries the feature articles noted below under the broad theme of ‘Mission Macro and Micro’:

Rick Richardson
Emerging Missional Movements: An Overview and Assessment of Some Implications for Mission(s)

R. Bruce Yoder
Mennonite Mission Theorists and Practitioners in Southeastern Nigeria: Changing Contexts and Strategy at the Dawn of the Postcolonial Era

Melody J. Wachsmuth
Separated Peoples: The Roma as Prophetic Pilgrims in Eastern Europe

Gerald H. Anderson
The Legacy of Peter Parker, M.D.

Gina A. Bellofatto and Todd M. Johnson
Key Findings of Christianity in Its Global Context, 1970–2020

Theodora Bilocura, Mary Motte, and Lamin Sanneh
Pope Francis, Christian Mission, and the Church of Saint Francis

Catherine Foisy
Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Practice: The Story of a French Canadian Mission to Indonesia, 1974–83

Bo Tao
The Peacemaking Efforts of a Reverse Missionary: Toyohiko Kagawa before Pearl Harbor

Norman E. Thomas
My Pilgrimage in Mission

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