Saturday 5 January 2013

Hope’s Reason: A Journal of Apologetics 3 (2012)

The third volume of Hope’s Reason: A Journal of Apologetics (contents below) is now available online here as a pdf.

According to the website, the purpose of this journal is ‘to provide academically sound apologetic resources that will equip Christians (pastor and layperson) to engage critics and to answer the questions of seekers... to bridge the gap between the academic world and the needs of the local church’.

Ian Clary
Christopher Hitchens: In Memoriam

Samuel J. Youngs
Grace Might Reign: Understandings of Sin and Grace as Means of Christian-Muslim Interreligious Dialogue

Kevin Pagan
Classical Apologetics From a Presuppositional Foundation

Sam Welbaum
Defining Miracle: Hume, Theism and the History of a Concept

Stephen J. Bedard
Atheism in Canada: What is the Future?

Michael Plato
ENGLISH 101: Evangelicals and English Literature (Review Article)

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