Wednesday 26 December 2012

Mission Frontiers 35, 1 (January-February 2013)

The January-February 2013 issue of Mission Frontiers, published by the U.S. Center for World Mission, contains a number of articles around the theme of ‘Reaching the Unengaged’.

Here’s part of the editorial by Rick Wood:

‘As followers of Jesus, all of us have been called to be on mission with God to overcome every barrier that keeps people from having access to the gospel. That is what this issue of Mission Frontiers is all about – overcoming all the barriers that are keeping the Church from engaging every people so that every person may have access to the gospel. We call those peoples whom no agency is working to reach the unengaged.’

Later, in the same editorial, he writes:

‘The simple fact is that providing access to the gospel for every person, tribe and tongue is a pipe dream unless our goal is to equip and deploy every believer in every people group to be a disciple-maker or church-planter. It is simply not possible to mobilize and deploy enough professional missionaries and pastors to replace the enormous exponential power of the average believer who is trained to make disciples who then go on to make more disciples who are likewise equipped.’

Individual articles can be accessed from here; the whole issue can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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