Saturday 8 December 2012

Encounters 43 (December 2012) on More New Voices in Mission

The latest issue of Encounters from Redcliffe College is now available, this one looking at ‘More New Voices in Mission’.

Editor, Tim Davy, reports that the articles (the summaries below are from his editorial) ‘represents the fruit of some excellent thinking and research by postgraduate students at Redcliffe College’, including three MA dissertations ‘which have been abridged to make them a more accessible length’.

Chris Ducker
Labouring and Listening Together?
Chris Ducker builds on significant field research to examine the effectiveness of short-term mission in Moldova. The particularly significant feature of Chris’s study is his focus on the experiences of those hosting foreign short-term teams. In so doing he brings out important, neglected voices and concludes with some very helpful implications for mission practice that could be usefully applied in all sorts of short-term mission contexts.

Joanne Appleton
The Perceptions of a Missional Lifestyle amongst European Generation Y Christians
Joanne Appleton’s study... provides valuable research and observations about how young people understand what it means to be ‘missional’. This is essential reading for all those trying to engage young people with mission. You may be surprised by the results…

Nicolas Haydock
The Levitical Priesthood and the Mission of God
Nicholas Haydock... seeks to develop a canonical understanding of the Levitical Priesthood. His innovative study seeks to set this very ‘Israelite’ institution in the context of the mission of God, yielding some fascinating insights.

Amy Roche
A Critical Evaluation of the Contextualisation of Alpha France
Amy gives a balanced, constructive, accessible and sophisticated analysis of the ways in which the Alpha course has been translated linguistically and culturally for use in France, her own ministry context.

Individual articles are available from here, or the pdf of the full issue is available here.

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