Monday 19 November 2012

William Carey International Development Journal 1, 4 (Fall 2012)

The Fall 2012 issue of the William Carey International Development Journal explores various leadership models and methods for professionals in the international development sphere. A pdf of the full journal is available here.

Yalin Xin
A Note from the Editor
Recognizing the complexity of leadership, we hope that, instead of attempting to cover every aspect of the topic, this issue becomes an invitation to you to read and dialogue with the research and reflections that explore various leadership theories, models and practices from biblical, theological, and socio-cultural perspectives.

Bill Jackson
Becoming a Church that Makes Disciple-making Leaders: Part 1
What was the leadership model that Jesus demonstrated, and how do we model that today? In this article, Bill Jackson describes why it is so important to be leaders that focus on developing disciples to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Bill Jackson
Becoming a Church that Makes Disciple-making Leaders: Part 2
What qualities are essential for leadership – particularly leadership that inspires others to follow your example? In this article, Bill Jackson describes the four qualities essential for a leader – whether they are natural or trained.

Kevin Mannoia
Discovering Servant in Servant-Leadership
There is a substantial rise in interest in servant leadership in the business world, education and Christian organizations. Leaders hear the ideas and are naturally drawn to the apparent selflessness of the paradigm that puts others first. But the genius of servant leadership is really not in its skills or in its outcomes.

Robert Blincoe
New Social Contract: Leaders Relating Church Governing Structures to Voluntary Societies
In this article, an excerpt from his PhD dissertation from William Carey International University, Bob Blincoe explores a different side to the leadership discussion. How can voluntary societies raise up additional leaders for ministry? How can current church leaders develop and empower those in these voluntary societies?

Kevin Book-Satterlee
Serving God Globally: Finding Your Place in International Development
In this book review, Kevin Book-Satterlee explores the many questions students of international development have as they seek to turn their passion into a career, and why Roland Hoksbergen’s book is a great response to their questions.

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