Thursday 1 November 2012

Journal of Theological Interpretation 6, 2 (Fall 2012)

The latest issue of the Journal of Theological Interpretation has just come through, containing the following articles.

Dean Flemming
Revelation and the Missio Dei: Toward a Missional Reading of the Apocalypse

James Buchanan Wallace
Called to the Third Heaven: 2 Corinthians 11:21–12:9 in the Eastern Orthodox Liturgical Tradition

W. Derek Suderman
The Cost of Losing Lament for the Community of Faith: On Brueggemann, Ecclesiology, and the Social Audience of Prayer

Joshua Marshall Strahan
An Ecclesially Located Exegesis Informed by Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana

David I. Starling
Meditations on a Slippery Citation: Paul's Use of Psalm 112:9 in 2 Corinthians 9:9

Susannah Ticciati
The Nondivisive Difference of Election: A Reading of Romans 9–11

David J. Downs
Prosopological Exegesis in Cyprian’s De opere et eleemosynis

W. Dennis Tucker Jr.
The Early Wirkungsgeschichte of Daniel 3: Representative Examples

Tommy Givens
Good Soil for Growth in Scriptural Ethics: A Review Essay


  1. Just a heads up, 12 volumes of Journal of Theological Interpretation are also available on Pre-Pub at Logos.

  2. Thanks – that’s good to know. Antony
