Sunday 2 September 2012

Tim Keller on Center Church

Timothy J. Keller, Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City (Grand Rapids: Zondervan 2012).

Courtesy of NetGalley, over my summer holiday, I’ve been reading the galley pages of this just-about-to-be-published book from Tim Keller, and think it is truly excellent.

It’s an exploration of what Keller calls a ‘Center Church’ theological vision in terms of three basic commitments – Gospel, City, and Movement.

Zondervan make a pdf excerpt available here, which includes the Introduction, in which Keller outlines the significance of what he calls ‘theological vision’ (that which lies between a doctrinal foundation on the one side and particular forms of ministry on the other side), and the first chapter in the section on the Gospel.

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