Wednesday 26 September 2012

Interpretation 66, 4 (2012) on Seminary and Church

The main essays in the October 2012 issue of Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, are devoted to the theme of ‘Seminary and Church: In This Together’, written largely for celebrations surrounding Union Presbyterian Seminary’s 200th anniversary.

William P. Brown
From Apology to Pedagogy: Interpreting the Bible Past and Present in the Seminary Classroom
This essay offers a snapshot of the some of the challenges facing seminary education, specifically teaching the Bible, in the late 19th century that have proved to be fruitful opportunities to recast biblical hermeneutics and, more broadly, theological education in new ways. It examines the way the Bible is handled today in the seminary classroom and charts how we got here theologically and pedagogically as a result of these challenges.

Douglas F. Ottati
Theology and Ethics Then, Now, and In-Between at Union Seminary and Elsewhere
The story of theology and ethics at Union Seminary from 1812 to the present illustrates the critical relationship between theology, ethics, and historical circumstances. In a distinctive fashion, it also reflects both the wider story and current challenges of theology and ethics in American Protestantism.

Glenn T. Miller
Why Church History Matters in Seminary and Church: Then (1812) and Now (2012)
This article highlights three moments in the teaching of Church History in American Protestant seminaries: the early 19th century, the early 20th century, and the present. In each, the interaction between Church History and the pastoral needs of the church is highlighted.

Beverly A. Zink-Sawyer
The Pulpit Leads the Seminary: Two Centuries of Proclamation at Union Presbyterian Seminary and in the American Church
A review of 200 years of Union Presbyterian Seminary and American preaching history reveals the ways in which preaching has shaped – and been shaped by – changes in church and culture.

Pamela Mitchell Legg
The Work of Christian Education in the Seminary and the Church: Then (1812) and Now (2012)
The shape of Christian Education in the United States has shifted as new communication media have come to the fore, interacting with the overarching purposes and content of Christian Education. As we begin to ask how computer technologies and the Internet may affect Christian Education, it is helpful to look back at the ways communication media have affected Christian Education over the past 200 years.

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