Monday 10 September 2012

Evangelical Alliance on Evangelicals and Money

The latest report in the 21st Century Evangelicals Series from the Evangelical Alliance UK is devoted to beliefs and habits of evangelical Christians with respect to money.

The full report – Does Money Matter? – is available as a pdf here.

This is what the EA says:

Our latest research looks at money. How we spend it, save it, or give it away. We’ve been encouraged by our latest findings that have told us that: 92 per cent of evangelicals agree it’s every Christian’s duty to help those in poverty, and 45 per cent of our panels’ churches fund or support those in immediate need through Foodbanks or similar. Our panel are big givers too, on average giving away 14.5 per cent of their income. They are also remarkably free from debt; 58 per cent owe nothing, not even a mortgage on their house.’

PowerPoint presentation and discussion questions for churches are linked to from this page.

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