Monday 13 August 2012

American Theological Inquiry 5, 2 (2012)

The latest issue of American Theological Inquiry is now online here, with the following contents:


Gannon Murphy
The Double Mind

Patristical Reading

Hilary of Poitiers
On the Trinity, I.1-10


Thomas L. Gwozdz
Catholicity and Roman Catholicism

George R. Law
The Form of the New Covenant In Matthew

Randy Nelson
Exegeting Forgiveness

Daniel J. Heisey
Guardini, Verdi, and Salvation History

Christopher Evan Longhurst
Approaching the Divine Through Form and Colour: A Theological Reflection on the Pictorial Apophasis of Malevič and Reinhardt

Book Reviews

The Ecumenical Creeds of Christianity


  1. Have you read the ATI Journal article by George Law? The idea that the New Covenant is recorded in Matthew is intriguing.

  2. Hi – I haven’t yet read the piece by George Law, but that was the article I was most interested in, so I’ll be intrigued to read his argument. Thanks – Antony
