Wednesday 2 May 2012

Encounters 40 (April 2012) on Economic Injustice

The latest issue of Encounters from Redcliffe College is now available.
According to the introductory blurb on the website, this edition ‘focuses on the topic of economic (in)justice and provides Christian responses in a variety of contexts’.
‘From engaging historical and Biblical roots, to considering contemporary challenges such as the Occupy movement and the continuing fallout of the financial crash, a number of contributors seek to challenge many of the myths and premises on which our economic structures have been built, challenge the Church to advocate more clearly and purposefully, both within the West and in the majority world, and propose alternative economic methods and strategies, bearing a more humane approach to economic well-being including the safeguarding of the Environment; a common responsibility for us all as God’s image-bearers in contemporary mission.’
Individual articles are available from here, or the pdf of the full issue is available here.

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