Thursday 8 March 2012

Naomi Frizzell on Business as Mission

The latest entry on the Lausanne Movement blog is by Naomi Frizzell on ‘Called to Work: Business as Mission’. It focuses on Section IIA. 3 of Lausanne’s Cape Town Commitment, a section devoted to ‘Truth and the Workplace’.

As Frizzell notes:

‘This section of the Commitment addresses the so-called “sacred-secular divide” which has caused some Christians to segment their lives into “secular work” and “spiritual living”. The Commitment encourages Christians to instead, “accept and affirm their own daily ministry and mission as being wherever God has called them to work.” It goes on to “challenge pastors and church leaders to support people in such ministry – in the community and in the workplace – ‘to equip the saints for works of service [ministry]’ – in every part of their lives.

‘Some use the term “full-time Christian ministry” to mean the work of pastors, missionaries or people who work in a Christian organization. Yet the Business as Mission (BAM) movement is challenging the use of that phrase by contending that all Christians – whether they preach, sweep the floor of the local market, or serve as an airline flight attendant – are in “full-time Christian ministry”.

The blog entry links to a slightly longer article on Business as Mission by Mats Tunehag, as well as to other resources.

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