Sunday 26 February 2012

Winn Griffin on God’s Epic Adventure

Winn Griffin, God’s EPIC Adventure. The Story Before the Story: All You Know Is All You Know But All You Know Isn’t Enough (Harmon Digital Press, 2011).

A good friend has drawn my attention to the fact that the Kindle edition of the above book is currently available for £0.77 via Amazon UK (though I don’t know whether this price is fixed or temporary).

I’ve not yet looked at it closely enough, but I’m confident the book will be worth checking out. It looks like a follow-up of sorts to his earlier and excellent large-format workbook, God’s EPIC Adventure: Changing Our Culture by the Story We Live and Tell (Woodinville: Harmon Press, 2007).

Anyway, for the moment, here’s the product description:

‘The Story Before the Story is a straight forward presentation, which provides the reader of Scripture a simple but compelling introduction to reading Scripture as a story. This book interacts with four important concepts: foundationalism, fragmentation, story, and kingdom. Reading with a foundationalism concept without knowing it leads to a reduction of the text into principles, which produces patchwork followers of Jesus. The author believes that reading fragmentively produces fragmented lives in the followers of Jesus. Reading Scripture as a story is the antidote to foundationalism and fragmentation. Kingdom theology is the glue for the reader that holds the story together. This book is an invitation to read Scripture with both eyes open because all you know is all you know, but all you know isn’t enough.’

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