Tuesday 17 January 2012

Guy Brandon on Sexual Ethics

Guy Brandon, ‘Free Sex: Who Pays? Moral Hazard and Sexual Ethics’, Cambridge Papers 20, 4 (December 2011).

The latest Cambridge Paper from the Jubilee Centre is available online, this one devoted to a Christian perspective on sexual ethics.

Here is the summary:

‘Rather than addressing fundamental moral issues around sexual freedom, this paper starts with our culture’s premise by taking a utilitarian approach and exploring the financial impacts. This is in line with the common assumption that what truly matters for public policy can be quantified. It argues that significant costs of sexual freedom are imposed on society as a whole, rather than borne solely by the individuals most directly involved. This represents an enormous moral hazard and, as a result, unsustainable and unjust public expenditure. The paper then explores ways to address this, the most compelling of which is the Bible’s emphasis on rootedness and group responsibility.’

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