Thursday 15 December 2011

Foundations 61 (Autumn 2011)

The second online edition of Foundations: An International Journal of Evangelical Theology, published by Affinity, is now freely available (here in its entirety as a pdf).

Here is the editorial summary of the articles which are also listed below:

‘This issue of Foundations offers a range of articles and reviews which will be of interest to our readers. Dan Strange’s article is the substance of the paper that he gave at the Affinity Theological Studies Conference in February 2011. John Legg provides a provocative exegesis of the parable of The Good Samaritan. Thorsten Prill identifies key issues in world mission today and challenges churches, missions and missionaries to be caught up in a missionary movement with God. Ralph Cunnington provides a critique of the views of Francis Turretin on the authority of Scripture. Eryl Davies provides a detailed review of a number of recent books dealing with the doctrine of the Trinity. There are also a number of other book reviews.’

Dan Strange

Not Ashamed! The Sufficiency of Scripture for Public Theology

John Legg

So Who is My Neighbour?

Thorsten Prill

Evangelical Mission Organisations, Postmodern Controversies, and the New Heartbeat of Mission

Ralph Cunnington

Did Turretin Depart from Calvin’s View on the Concept of Error in the Scriptures?

D. Eryl Davies

Review Article: Trinitarian Theology

Book Reviews

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