Friday 7 October 2011

Ethics in Brief Volume 17 (2011)

The two issues from Volume 17 of Ethics in Brief, published by The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, are now available online:

Robert White & Jonathan Moo, ‘Environmental Apocalypse and Christian Hope’, Ethics in Brief 17, 1 (2011)

In an age when many have begun to consider widespread environmental collapse inevitable, the certain hope held out in the Christian gospel rules out both complacency and despair. Scripture’s vision of a future for all of creation that is secure in Christ and given by God’s grace challenges Christians to a radical environmental ethos that is marked by wisdom, self-sacrifice, perseverance, love and joy.

Colin Bell, ‘The Church’s Response to the Coming “Crisis of Sustainability”’, Ethics in Brief 17, 2 (2011)

The level and types of human activity on planet Earth need large-scale and immediate change. In this article secular debates are considered in the light of various theological principles – our mandate from God at creation, hope, Sabbath, simplicity and community – to show that the church has a relevant voice. Proposals are then made for constructive actions the church can and should take.

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