Wednesday 12 October 2011

American Theological Inquiry 4, 2 (2011)

The latest issue of American Theological Inquiry is now online here, with the following contents:

Patristical Reading

Theophilus of Antioch

Apology To Autolycus, II.4 1


Bruce T. Morrill, S.J.

Christ’s Sacramental Presence in the Eucharist: A Biblical-Pneumatological Approach to the Mystery of Faith

Mark Saucy

Regnum Spiriti: The Kingdom of God and Neopagan Spirituality

L. Clifton Edwards

Beautiful Interrelation With Nature: Divine Harmonies and Creation’s Fulfillment

Samuel J. Youngs

Wounds of the Emptied God: The Role of Kenosis at the Cross in the Christologies of Jürgen Moltmann and Sergius Bulgakov

David Matcham

The Crisis of Evental-Truth in Badiou and Kierkegaard

Book Reviews

The Ecumenical Creeds of Christianity

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