Friday 9 September 2011

The Bavinck Review 2 (2011)

About this time last year, I linked to The Bavinck Institute and their publication of The Bavinck Review, which is made freely available on the website six months after publication. The second volume (contents below) has just become available. Individual articles are available here, or the entire issue can be downloaded as a 1.6 MB pdf here.



Willem J. de Wit

“Will I Remain Standing?”: A Cathartic Reading of Herman Bavinck

Robert S. Covolo

Herman Bavinck’s Theological Aesthetics: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis

Timothy Shaun Price

Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck on the Subject of Education as seen in Two Public Addresses

Laurence R. O’Donnell III

Neither “Copernican” nor “Van Tilian”: Re-Reading Cornelius Van Til’s Reformed Apologetics in light of Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics

Michael S. Chen

Herman Bavinck and Augustine on Epistemology

Travis Ryan Pickell

“To See Darkness, To Hear Silence”: St. Augustine, Herman Bavinck, and the Incomprehensibility of Evil

Research Précis

Wolter Huttinga

Herman Bavinck and Radical Orthodoxy: Elements of Participation in the Reformed Dogmatics

Aart Goedvree

An Impenetrable Mystery: Herman Bavinck’s Concept of Regeneration and Its Sources

In Translation

Herman Bavinck, translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman

The Kingdom of God, The Highest Good

Pearls and Leaven

John Bolt

Herman Bavinck and Islam

Bavinck Bibliography 2010

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