Friday 26 August 2011

Mark Meynell on the Bible

Mark Meynell kindly makes available the leaders’ notes from a series of studies carried out by the Fellowship Groups at All Souls Church, Langham Place in London as part of their ongoing Biblefresh celebrations.

The studies, derived loosely from Eugene Peterson’s Eat This Book: The Art of Spiritual Reading (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2006), take five different passages ‘which illustrate how God’s people respond to God’s revelation’, looking ‘at how the Bible itself describes its impact on the believer’s life’.

Deuteronomy 8 (and Matthew 4:1-12)

Israel in the Desert

The Bible as Revelation – Feasting on the Word of Life

Psalm 119:33-48

Israel in worship

The Bible in Devotions – Delighting in the Word of Promise

Luke 24:13-35

The Risen Jesus

The Bible in Understanding – Believing in the Word of the Prophets

Acts 8:26-40

The Spreading Church

The Bible in Evangelism – Communicating the Word of Hope

Nehemiah 8

Israel home after Exile

The Bible in Ministry – Explaining the Word of Truth

The document can be viewed and downloaded here from Scribd.

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