Friday 22 July 2011

Interpretation 65, 3 (July 2011) on Multicultural Perspectives on Reading the Bible

The latest issue of Interpretation is devoted to multicultural perspectives on reading the Bible, with the following main articles:

Bob Ekblad

Reading Scripture for Good News That Crosses Barriers of Race/Ethnicity, Culture, and Class

Reading Scripture in multicultural settings requires an awareness of racial/ethnic, cultural, social class, and theological assumptions. This essay identifies common pitfalls to individual and group discovery of good news in Scripture, and presents effective pedagogies and communication strategies to facilitate transformational encounters with God in diverse settings. The essay concludes with a tried and tested step-by-step dramatic reenactment of John 8:1–11.

Uriah Kim

‘Where is the Home for the Man of Luz?’

The man of Luz in Judges 1:22–26 is rejected by the Israelites with whom he cooperated, and is forced to leave his homeland. In moving from old Luz (Bethel) to new Luz, he finds himself attached to two homes and caught in the politics of identity and home in Israel. His story resonates with Asian Americans who also find themselves in the middle of the politics of identity and home in the United States.

Francisco Lozada, Jr.

Journey and the Fourth Gospel: A Latino/a Exploration

This essay explores the intersection of the reality of journey, present in the lives of so many recent immigrant Latinos/as, with the theme of journey as found in the Fourth Gospel. This exploration raises questions about what it means to live in the United States as a Latino/a as well as questions about the role of the plot of the Fourth Gospel in negotiating bicultural relations.

Raquel St. Clair

So What Does the Bible Say About This...?

This essay explores the dialogical engagement between text and interpreter, which is shaped by the particular socio-cultural location of African American readers/hearers. It identifies some of the key issues that help to shape an African American socio-cultural context, and explores their implications for biblical interpretation.

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