Wednesday 20 July 2011

Englewood Review of Books 1, 3 (Eastertide 2011)

The Eastertide 2011 issue of Englewood Review of Books is now available.

Among other items that have caught my eye, this one contains an interview with Norman Wirzba about his latest book, Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating, a review of Alan Jacobs’ The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction (which will be one of my summer holiday reads this year), a look back at John Howard Yoder’s ‘classic’, Body Politics, and a review of Charles Gutenson’s Christians and the Common Good: How Faith Intersects with Public Life (I’ve not yet gone through all of this book but have, I confess, found it a frustrating read thus far).

Those outside North America are able to sign up for a free electronic edition, kindly delivered to your inbox as an attached pdf.

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