Wednesday 27 July 2011

Clinton E. Arnold on Ephesians (3)

Clinton E. Arnold, Ephesians, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010), 538pp., ISBN 9780310243731.

Earlier entries:

Clinton E. Arnold on Ephesians (1)

Clinton E. Arnold on Ephesians (2)

At the start of the Introduction to his commentary on Ephesians, Clinton Arnold offers a long and suggestive list of ‘hot topics and issues’ that Paul’s letter to the Ephesians touches on in its 2,500 words:

• assimilation ministry and the training of new believers

• the issue of divine sovereignty and human free will

• spiritual warfare

• worship in the church, including the diversity in form and style

• spiritual formation

• gender roles in marriage

• racial reconciliation

• God’s design and plan for the church

• the basis and call for ecumenical unity

• the gospel in an animistic context

• the contextualization of theology

• living in the context of religious pluralism

• the gift of being an apostle

• the gift of prophecy

• the role of the Jewish law

• the local church and missions

• intercessory prayer in the Christian life

• the nature of spiritual power

• the ongoing work of Satan and demons

‘Pastors and teachers will discover that every paragraph of Ephesians is filled with content that is relevant to Christians in local churches today wherever they are located’ (22).

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