Tuesday 22 March 2011

Vaughan Roberts on True Spirituality through 1 Corinthians

Vaughan Roberts, True Spirituality: The challenge of 1 Corinthians for the 21st Century Church (Nottingham: IVP, 2011), 224pp., ISBN 9781844745180.

Here’s another helpful-looking book from Vaughan Roberts, this one considering the nature of spirituality through an exposition of 1 Corinthians.

After an Introduction, his treatment of the letter is divided into eight portions:

1. True spirituality focuses on Christ’s cross, not on human wisdom

2. True spirituality respects faithful leaders, not flashy ones

3. True spirituality demands holiness, not moral permissiveness

4. True spirituality affirms both marriage and singleness, but not asceticism

5. True spirituality promotes spiritual concern, not unfettered freedom

6. True spirituality affirms gender differences, but not social divisions

7. True spirituality prioritizes love, not spiritual gifts

8. True spirituality focuses on a physical future, not just the spiritual present

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