Friday 18 March 2011

Michael Horton on the The Last Battle and Life Everlasting

I’ve already posted a few times on Michael Horton’s The Christian Faith; I’m working my way through it slowly, enjoying it, and may post periodically on it.

I’m mentioning it again only because, with all the brouhaha about Rob Bell’s latest book – Love Wins – Zondervan has allowed White Horse Inn to make available a pdf of chapter 29 of Horton’s volume, ‘The Last Battle and Life Everlasting’.

But the real treat is that the Introduction to the volume is also bundled in with the pdf. It’s here that Horton traces out the movement from Drama to Doctrine to Doxology to Discipleship.


  1. Haven't seen Serlio employed so elegantly for a long time :-)

  2. Yes... makes for a pleasant reading experience. So, now we have the important things out of the way, what about his arguments on eternal destiny?

  3. you mean i have to read ALL the words... there's, like, a gazillion pages!
