Sunday 13 February 2011

Contact Magazine 38, 2 (2010)

The current Contact magazine from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary has a number of articles devoted to the topic of ‘Christian Ethics in a Post-Christian Society’:

Esther Byle Bruland

What Is Ethics All About?

Dennis P. Hollinger

Wonderfully Made–Terribly Fallen

David W. Gill

Ethics in the Workplace

Eldin Villafañe

To Live in Justice

Patrick T. Smith

How to Make Ethical Decisions in a Complex World

The entire magazine is downloadable as a pdf here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Antony

    Just a quick note to say how much I appreciate the things you post. I can't say I have time tonread them all, but I try to keep up with stuff that links to my particular current interests.

    In Christ
