Saturday 26 February 2011

Bruce Ashford on Theology and Culture

Over at Between the Times, Bruce Ashford has just finished a twelve-part series on Theology and Culture.

Theology & Culture (1): Introduction

Theology & Culture (2): Alternative Views

Theology & Culture (3): A Theology of Culture (Creation & Fall)

Theology & Culture (4): A Theology of Culture (Redemption and New Creation)

Theology & Culture (5): Case Studies (Augustine, Kuyper, Hubmaier, Lewis, Schaeffer, Neuhaus)

Theology & Culture (6): Theology in Cultural Context

Theology & Culture (7): Why Vocation Matters to God

Theology & Culture (8): Why The Arts Matter to God

Theology & Culture (9): Why The Sciences Matter to God

Theology & Culture (10): Why The Public Square Matters to God

Theology & Culture (11): Why The Academy Matters to God

Theology & Culture (12): My Favorite Colleges, Persons, Blogs, Journals, and Books

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