Wednesday 19 January 2011

Leland Ryken on the KJV

Leland Ryken, The Legacy of the King James Bible: Celebrating 400 Years of the Most Influential English Translation (Wheaton: Crossway, forthcoming 2011), 272pp., ISBN 9781433513886.

This volume is due out at the end of January; meanwhile, there is an excerpt available here which gives a flavour of what to expect.

Ryken notes that the book comes in four parts exploring four spheres of what he sees as ‘the stature of the KJV’ (15):

1. Its status as the climax of a whole century of English Bible translation

2. Its influence in the subsequent history of Bible translation and in English-speaking culture

3. The literary excellence of the King James Bible itself

4. The influence of the King James Bible on English and American literature

In addition, he has a short article over at Reformation 21 – ‘What Makes the King James Version Great?’ – in which he outlines four ways in which the King James Version is ‘a book of wonders’:

Wonder #1: the inauspicious origin of the KJV

Wonder #2: the unlikely process of translation

Wonder #3: the language and style of the KJV

Wonder #4: the unmatched influence of the King James Bible

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! A big surprise tied into the 400th anniversary of the 1611 King James Version Bible:

    Two scholars have compiled the first worldwide census of extant copies of the original first printing of the 1611 King James Version (sometimes referred to as the "He" Bible). For decades, authorities from the British Museum, et al., have estimated that “around 50 copies” of that first printing still exist. The real number, however, is quite different!

    For more information, you're invited to contact Donald L. Brake, Sr., PhD, at or his associate David Sanford at You’re also invited to visit the website.
