Friday 28 January 2011

The Cape Town Commitment

The Lausanne Movement has now released the final version of The Cape Town Commitment: A Confession of Faith and a Call to Action.

The two main parts of the document shape up as follows:

Part I – For the Lord We Love: The Cape Town Confession Of Faith

1. We love because God first loved us

2. We love the living God

3. We love God the Father

4. We love God the Son

5. We love God the Holy Spirit

6. We love God’s Word

7. We love God’s world

8. We love the gospel of God

9. We love the people of God

10. We love the mission of God

Part II – For the World We Serve: The Cape Town Call to Action


1. Bearing witness to the truth of Christ in a pluralistic, globalized world

2. Building the peace of Christ in our divided and broken world

3. Living the love of Christ among people of other faiths

4. Discerning the will of Christ for world evangelization

5. Calling the Church of Christ back to humility, integrity and simplicity

6. Partnering in the body of Christ for unity in mission


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