Monday 24 January 2011

American Theological Inquiry 4, 1 (2011)

The latest issue of American Theological Inquiry is now online here, with the following contents:

Patristical Reading

St. Athanasius

On the Incarnation of the Word, 54


Richard A. Muller

Reassessing the Relation of Reformation and Orthodoxy: A Methodological Rejoinder

Christopher Evan Longhurst

Discovering the Sacred in Secular Art: An Aesthetic Modality that ‘Speaks of God’

Jason S. Sexton

A Match Made in Munich: The Origin of Grenz’s Trinitarian Theology

Charles M. Natoli

The Best Man is Only a Man: Reflections on Some Enchantments and Disenchantments of the Grail

Fr. Sergei Sveshnikov

There is No Sex in the Church

J. Lyle Story

The Parable of the Budding Fig Tree

Book Reviews

The Ecumenical Creeds of Christianity

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