Thursday 23 December 2010

Journal of Theological Interpretation 4, 2 (Fall 2010)

The latest Journal of Theological Interpretation arrived in the post this morning – just in time for Christmas!

Contents are as follows:

Andrew Brower Latz

A Short Note toward a Theology of Abiding in John’s Gospel

Matthew Levering

God and Greek Philosophy in Contemporary Biblical Scholarship

Jason S. Sexton

The Imago Dei Once Again: Stanley Grenz’s Journey toward a Theological Interpretation of Genesis 1:26–27

Douglas S. Earl

‘Minimalism’ and Old Testament Theological Hermeneutics: The ‘David Saga’ as a Test Case

Timo Eskola

Quran Criticism, the Historical-Critical Method, and the Secularization of Biblical Theology

Richard P. Thompson

Scripture, Christian Canon, and Community: Rethinking Theological Interpretation Canonically

Stephen B. Chapman

The Canon Debate: What It Is and Why It Matters

Stephen T. Pardue

Athens and Jerusalem Once More: What the Turn to Virtue Means for Theological Exegesis

Richard S. Briggs

Review Article: Christian Theological Interpretation of Scripture Built on the Foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets: The Contribution of R.W.L. Moberly’s Prophecy and Discernment

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