Thursday 16 December 2010

Encounters 35 (December 2010)

The latest issue of Encounters from Redcliffe College is now available, this one devoted to justice and mission.

The editors write:

‘The issue of justice is critically important in contemporary mission. It underlines the whole basis of Jesus’ ministry mandate, and should shape a Kingdom-oriented theology. Socio-political, economic and environmental dimensions of life are integral aspects of our faith – it’s about how we live and not just what we proclaim! More than ever, our globalised culture informs and challenges us to respond to issues of injustice; so what will we do about it?’

The contents are as follows:

Dewi Hughes

Global Mission and Justice – Snapshots from History

Jonathan Ingleby

Justice and Eschatology – A Response to Dr Dewi Hughes

Carol Kingston-Smith

Caring Wisely in a Globalised World

Carol Kingston-Smith

Bodies for Sale: Globalised Trafficking for the Sex Trade – An Interview with Helen Sworn founder of Chab Dai, Cambodia

Rachel Davies

Speaking up for Justice Connecting Church and Government

Andy Kingston-Smith

Do Justice, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly – An interview with Sheryl Haw: International Director, Micah Network

Ben Niblett

Act now! Inspiring Churches to act on Climate Justice

Ian Meredith

Is Fairtrade the Same as Just Trade? A Direct Trade Perspective

Cranmer Mugisha

A Case Study of Relational Justice and Patterns of Familial Violence – Muhabura District, Uganda Mission

Individual articles can be downloaded here, or the whole issue can be downloaded as a pdf here.

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