Monday 22 November 2010

Marc Cortez on the Evangelical Theological Society 2010 Meetings

The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, recently concluded, provided an opportunity to consider ongoing debates on justification by faith, with the help of three plenary speakers – Tom Schreiner, Frank Thielman, and N.T. Wright – all of whom have published extensively on the topic.

Bibliobloggers have been summarising sessions – especially the key ones on justification. I’ve particularly benefited from Marc Cortez’s reflections over at Scientia et Sapientia, and have linked to his summaries of those papers (as well as some others) below.

Jason Sexton

The State of the Recent Evangelical Trinitarian Resurgence

Tom Schreiner

Justification: The Saving Righteousness of God in Christ

Gregg Allison

Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Promises and Pitfalls for Evangelical Appropriation

Frank Thielman

God’s Righteousness as God’s Fairness in Romans: The Oldest Perspective on Paul

Megan DeFranza

Sex and the Image of God: Dangers in Evangelical and Roman Catholic Theologies

Jonathan Morgan

Christus Victor Motifs in the Soteriology of Thomas Aquinas

N.T. Wright

Justification Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Three posts – here, here, and here.

Sung Wook Chung

Calvin on the Church as the ‘Mother’ of Believers

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