Wednesday 17 November 2010

Chris Seay on the Gospel According to Jesus

Chris Seay, The Gospel According to Jesus: A Faith That Restores All Things (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010), 224pp., ISBN 9780849948169.

Chris Seay has a book out on the gospel. I haven’t yet looked at it properly, so I’ll reserve judgment for the moment. (I confess, however, that I’m struggling a bit with the subtitle... it’s not immediately clear to me what is meant by ‘a faith’ – my personal faith? the church’s faith? the Christian faith? – or in what sense such a faith ‘restores all things’.)

Anyway, there is an interview with him here, in which he states this as his definition of the gospel:

‘The gospel is the good news that God is calling out all people to be redeemed by the power residing in the life, death and ultimate resurrection of Jesus, the liberating King. These called out ones – all of us – are rescued from a life of slavery, sin and failure to become emissaries (as Paul puts it in Romans 1) in a new kingdom set to join redemption of the entire creation, groaning and longing to be redeemed.’

The book seems to take its cue from a view of ‘righteousness’ as being ‘restorative justice’, seeing the gospel through that prism, so I’ll be interested to see how his treatment plays out.

Meanwhile, Trevin Wax already has a review here.

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