Friday 8 October 2010

Fred G. Zaspel on B.B. Warfield

Fred G. Zaspel, The Theology of B.B. Warfield: A Systematic Summary (Wheaton: Crossway/Nottingham: Apollos, 2010), 624pp.

Crossway and Apollos are publishing a substantial book on the theology of B.B. Warfield. Justin Taylor (‘Between Two Worlds’) interviews the author here, and Crossway provide a lengthy excerpt of the volume here.

That Warfield’s writings are many and diverse – not to mention spread over books, articles, pamphlets and book reviews – has made a comprehensive account of his theology difficult. Zaspel, it would seem, has made a significant contribution in filling that gap.

In the interview with Justin Taylor, he comments: ‘I suppose I was a bit surprised to learn that the doctrine of inspiration was not the focus of Warfield’s career or literary output. We all know Warfield as the one who articulated this doctrine (inspiration) with more clarity and at more length than any other, and I think we naturally assume that this was his own “center.” But it wasn’t. He was above all else a Christologian. The person and work of Christ forms the greatest segment of his published works, and this was clearly his own center of gravity.’

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