Friday 15 October 2010

Deovox on Exodus 1-14

The latest series of the Deovox podcast from Damaris is devoted to Exodus 1-14, with the first few episodes already up.

1. Introduction to Exodus

2. Forgotten and Enslaved (Exodus 1:1-14)

In the series description, Richard Collins says:

‘This event is the most important moment in Israelite history. It is the one that forever defines God in the eyes of his people. Throughout the Old Testament, he is referred to as “the God who led Israel out of bondage.” As Christians, we view him in a similar way that is highlighted repeatedly in the New Testament. We worship God, who has led us, not out of Egypt, but out of slavery to sin to a life of freedom. We too are set free to live our lives for his glory. Just like the Israelites.’

As usual, the episodes are supported by study guides.

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