Friday 24 September 2010

The Bavinck Institute and The Bavinck Review

Herman Bavinck is enjoying some attention at the moment, not least with the completion of the four-volume English translation of his Dogmatics and a full biography on the way.

And then there’s The Bavinck Institute, which ‘exists to promote Reformed scholarship in the line of Herman Bavinck and his neo-Calvinist contemporaries and proteges’.

Among other activities, the Institute produces The Bavinck Review, which is made freely available on the website six months after publication. The first volume (contents below) has just become available. Individual articles are available here, or the entire issue can be downloaded as a 3.3MB pdf here.


John Bolt

Introduction to The Bavinck Review


James D. Bratt

The Context of Herman Bavinck’s Stone Lectures: Culture and Politics in 1908

Dirk van Keulen

Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Ethics: Some Remarks about Unpublished Manuscripts in the Libraries of Amsterdam and Kampen

In translation

Herman Bavinck, trans. John Bolt

John Calivn: A Lecture on the Occasion of his 400th Birthday, July 10, 1509-1909

Pearls and Leaven

Bavinck Bibliography: 2008-2009

Book Reviews

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