Wednesday 18 August 2010

Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14.2 (2010) on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture

This edition of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology is devoted to the theological interpretation of Scripture, with some samples available online.

The Table of Contents is as follows:

Editorial: Stephen J. Wellum
Reflecting upon the ‘Theological Interpretation of Scripture’

Daniel J. Treier and Uche Anizor
Theological Interpretation of Scripture and Evangelical Systematic Theology: Iron Sharpening Iron?

Stephen Dempster
‘A Light in a Dark Place’: A Tale of Two Kings and Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament

Gregg R. Allison
Theological Interpretation of Scripture: An Introduction and Preliminary Evaluation

Keith Goad
Gregory as a Model of Theological Interpretation of Scripture

Robert L. Plummer
Righteousness and Peace Kiss: The Reconciliation of Authorial Intent and Biblical Typology

James M. Hamilton Jr.
John Sailhamer’s The Meaning of the Pentateuch: A Review Essay

The SBJT Forum: contributions from Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Keith E. Johnson, Graham Cole, and Everett Berry

Book Reviews

In the editorial, Wellum characterize theological interpretation of Scripture ‘as a broad and diverse movement comprised of biblical scholars and theologians who are mainline Protestants, Roman Catholics, and evangelicals and who are attempting to recover the authority of the Bible and to return it to the church’ (2). Theological interpretation, he notes, is ‘not interested in treating the Bible merely “as any other book” to be dissected under the rules of general or philosophical hermeneutics’; rather, it ‘strongly endorses a special or theological hermeneutics rooted in a larger Christian theology’ (3).

On the issue of the value of theological interpretation, Wellum expresses caution overall, particularly because of ‘a great divide over the most fundamental question: What is the nature of Scripture and why?’ (3).

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