Monday 30 August 2010

Phillip D. Jensen and Paul Grimmond on Preaching the Very Words of God

Phillip D. Jensen and Paul Grimmond, The Archer and the Arrow: Preaching the Very Words of God (Kingsfield: Matthias Media, 2010), ISBN 9781921441806.

Having earlier referred to Colin Marshall and Tony Payne, The Trellis and the Vine: The Ministry Mind-Shift That Changes Everything (Kingsford: St Matthias Press, 2009), I thought I should mention this book, which belongs to the same family and serves as a kind of companion volume.

Further information is available here, including an excerpt , an interview, and some sample sermons.

As to how this book relates to the earlier one, it is said that Colin Marshall (of The Trellis and the Vine) and Phillip Jensen (of The Archer and the Arrow) ‘formed a great ministry partnership for over 20 years’, combining different ‘strengths and backgrounds’. While Marshall ‘had a heritage and commitment to personal discipleship and one-to-one discipling of others’, Jensen ‘was shaped by a ministry context that held a very high view of public preaching and proclamation’.

Hence: ‘Clear and powerful public proclamation of God's word, combined with clear and powerful personal ministry of God's word, created a rich soil for growing the gospel.’

In The Archer and the Arrow, Phillip Jensen summarises and explores the task of preaching as follows: ‘My aim is to preach the gospel by prayerfully expounding the Bible to the people God has given me to love’ – a summary which includes the essential elements of proclamation, prayer and people.

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