Saturday 31 July 2010

Tim Keller on Proverbs

Tim Keller, ‘Proverbs: A Mini-Guide to Life’.

This is a short piece by Tim Keller in which he avers that Proverbs 3:3-12 contains ‘all the themes of the rest of the book, and therefore a kind of mini-guide to faithful living’. From these verses, he notes ‘five things that comprise a wise, godly life’:

1. Put your heart’s deepest trust in God and his grace. Every day remind yourself of his unconditioned, covenantal love for you. Do not instead put your hopes in idols or in your own performance.

2. Submit your whole mind to the Scripture. Don’t think you know better than God’s word. Bring it to bear on every area of life. Become a person under authority.

3. Be humble and teachable toward others. Be forgiving and understanding when you want to be critical of them; be ready to learn from others when they come to be critical of you.

4. Be generous with all your possessions, and passionate about justice. Share your time, talent, and treasure with those who have less.

5. Accept and learn from difficulties and suffering. Through the gospel, recognize them as not punishment, but a way of refining you.

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