Wednesday 7 July 2010

Craig C. Broyles on the Psalms

Craig C. Broyles, Psalms, New International Biblical Commentary (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1999), 560pp., ISBN 9781565632202.

In addition to publishing an academic thesis on the conflict of faith and experience in the Psalms, Craig Broyles has written this commentary which I’ve used with profit when preparing sermons on the Psalms.

The publishers kindly make available the Table of Contents (even the headings sometimes indicate a particular line an interpreter is taking to the Psalm as a whole), the Introduction (40 very helpful pages, covering What is a Psalm?, the approach of the commentary, genres and life settings, key traditions of the Psalms, David and the Psalms, the Psalms and spirituality), and the commentary section on Psalms 1-5.

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