Friday 11 June 2010

Journal of Theological Interpretation 4, 1 (2010)

The latest issue of one of my favourite periodicals – Journal of Theological Interpretation – is now out, with the following contents:

Kathryn Greene-McCreight
Introducing Premodern Scriptural Exegesis

Robert Louis Wilken
Interpreting the Bible as Bible

Claire Mathews McGinnis
Stumbling over the Testaments: On Reading Patristic Exegesis and the Old Testament in Light of the New

Bogdan G. Bucur
Sinai, Zion, and Tabor: An Entry into the Christian Bible

Bill T. Arnold
Deuteronomy as the Ipsissima Vox of Moses

Gene L. Green
Relevance Theory and Theological Interpretation: Thoughts on Metarepresentation

R. W. L. Moberly
“Interpret the Bible Like Any Other Book”? Requiem for an Axiom

Richard S. Briggs
Humans in the Image of God and Other Things Genesis Does Not Make Clear

Seth Heringer
Review Article: The Practice of Theological Commentary

Christopher B. Hays
Review Article: Bard Called the Tune: Whither Theological Exegesis in the Post-Childs Era?

Many of the essays have their origins in papers presented to The Theological Hermeneutics of Christian Scripture Group of the Society of Biblical Literature (see here), which explores ‘the hermeneutical innovations and theological implications of the location of critical biblical interpretation within the confessional communities of the Christian tradition’.


  1. Hi Antony,

    Can you let me know how to subscribe to this Journal of Theological Interpretation or access it's articles as I am studying for LST's MA in Biblical Interpretation and it sounds like a useful resource.


  2. Hi Andrew

    I get it from Eisenbrauns – – but if you’re a student at LST, you will find it in the school’s periodical holdings. Hope that helps, and hope the MA is going well.

